Wednesday 28 November 2012

Genre Research- Indie Pop

'Indie Pop' is a relatively newly recognised genre that originated from alternative rock music in the mid 1980's. Some people used to use the term 'indie' to define artists who were signed to independent labels however it has recently changed to a specific type of music and style. Music videos from this genre tend to have vintage costumes and props as well as being quite quirky. Unique lighting and a mix of various different colours is also quite common in this genre. A common theme throughout these music videos is often youth. Many of the artists themselves are quite young and quirky and the music videos reflect this personality. Music videos from this genre tend to have quite an artistic style to them. This artistic style tends to consume the video and there is generally very little narrative in many of these music videos.

An example of a music video with unique lighting and a range of colours used together is Florence and the Machines 'Spectrum'. The mise-en-scene from each scene is very different and very distinctive. The use of the contrasting range of colours including blue, orange, green and gold also reflects this genre. The hair, costumes, locations and lightings are all very unique and quirky which also keeps with the conventions of this genre. The use of the ballerinas with the shot types and lighting also shows the artistic side often seen in indie pop music videos. The use of the exaggerated movement and lack of narrative also has the purpose of selling the artist and enhancing her star image.

These album covers taken from indie pop artists also reflect the unique lighting and distinctive conventions often used in this genre.

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