Saturday 2 February 2013

Shooting Day 7

Shooting Day 7: When it came to editing the narrative we had previously shot we noticed that the pub scenes were too dark. This meant we had to re-shoot it. We also decided that we should use the first verse for narrative and we could film this here. We decided on what shots we wanted to do and we found a nice pub. We then went to ask for permission and they said we could use it before opening times. This was perfect as we would be able to use any space we needed to. I had asked two of my friends, Sam and Sean to come and be extras in this scene. They turned up late so while we were waiting we decided to shoot some more performance shots including more close ups which we noticed we had been missing with the other shoots. When they finally turned up we only had 10 minutes before the pub opened. We had to quickly rush the shots and we were worried we wouldn’t have what we needed but we had to make do. There were also dramas between the cast members which meant this shoot was quite awkward. After we finished we all decided it was time to go and get some breakfast.

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