Wednesday 10 October 2012


Madonna- Open Your Heart

Intertextuality is when one media text makes a reference to another. A music video that is an example of this is Madonna’s ‘Open Your Heart’. It makes reference to the 1972 film ‘Cabaret’. The use of the blue background with the chair makes reference to a performance made my Liza Minnelli. The use of the black wig also links to this film however by her removing this wig adds a twist to it. The cabaret style performance also reflects a very similar dance to the one seen in the film. The use of the spotlight also makes it seem more like a performance which links back to themes throughout the film. The black, very revealing costume is also similar to the one from ‘Cabaret’. Although this is a reference to the film the end of the music video is very different as she is wearing slightly more boyish clothes and is a lot more covered up and looks more masculine. 
There is also the use of voyeurism during the beginning of the video. Madonna’s costume and dance routine as well as the fragmented, close up shots of her body; for example her legs and chest. Although she is very sexualised she is also very in control as all the men are positioned on a lower level from her which makes her appear as superior to them. All the men in the video seem captivated by Madonna which also makes her seem more important. Although she is very sexualised her image changes towards the end of the music video. She changes costumes to a boyish cut suit and hat which makes her appear less sexually attractive but also adds a different side to her star image.  

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