Wednesday 17 October 2012

Pink - Please Don't Leave Me

The camerawork and editing in Pink’s music video for ‘Please Don’t Leave Me’ is very similar to that seen in a film. To begin with there is an extreme long shot which is used as the establishing shot; used to show the audience the setting. The use of seamless editing for the majority of the music video helps to portray the linear narrative. Although there are various fade transitions used to show the male character slipping in and out of consciousness. The wide range of shots and angles helps to show both the action as well as the emotions of the characters. This wide range, including the use of POV shots also makes the music video seem more like a film. This music video does not always edit on the beat which is less common in music videos. 

The linear narrative for ‘Please Don’t Leave me’ is very clear and amplifies the lyrics. This narrative based music videos shows Pink’s desperation and almost psychotic behaviour to not be left by her boyfriend. The narrative is almost like a nightmare as it begins normal and sane but soon begins to spiral into an almost surreal dreamlike nightmare. The setting and props also add to the surreal nightmare to help create the eerie feel to the music video. The music video is not purely narrative based it has some performance throughout which is important to have in a music video.

Pink’s performance is almost theatrical towards the end of the music video. She has exaggerated actions, which enhances the desperation and despair at the thought of him leaving. The use of the various ways to keep him seems almost immature and childlike but also adds a comic element. The use of marbles and dressing up also reflects this childlike immaturity which helps to show the extremes she will go to. 

Throughout this music video there is evidence of voyeurism. Her costumes show this as she is wearing revealing costumes throughout the music video. Her dancing when she is dressed as the nurse also adds to her sexual appeal. Although she is sexualised she is still shown as being in control. This is common when there is a female artist, it is used to make them seem more important and in power. 

Pink's star image has a very unique style and edge to it, this is reflected in this music video. Throughout many of Pink's music videos she is presented as being very rebellious, masculine and overpowering. This particular music video shows the rebellious and overpowering side. The costumes contradict the masculine approach often taken in her music videos. 

There is evidence of intertextuality in this music video. The first reference is to the 1990 film, ‘Misery’. The storyline of a woman breaking a mans legs so he cannot escape, can also be seen in this music video. There has been a twist on this storyline though as in the film it is an old lady however Pink has been sexualized.

The second reference is to the 1980 film ‘The Shining’. The use of Pink chasing the man down the hall with an axe as he hides in the bathroom has been taken from this film. When Pink cuts through the door and then looks through the door is also from this film. The use of this intertextuality makes the music video more interesting and also helps to enhance the narrative.

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