Tuesday 5 March 2013

Album Cover

I have chosen an image from a photoshoot we did. Above is the original image I thought would look good as an album cover. I have then used photoshop to edit them with a few different effects. Here are a few of the edits:

I then had to add the album title and artist's name. I chose this colour as it fitted with the red lipstick seen throughout the music video. The paralinguistic features used in this image also link with the music video. The use of the 'shh' gesture symbolizes the artist wanting nothing more to do with her boyfriend. This links with the narrative we have used in the music video. Our artist would be well known for wearing the bright red lipstick and this is portrayed in the album cover through the use of the lips image as well as our artist wearing the red lipstick. I have not yet chosen pictures to go in the rest of the digipack.

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