Thursday 17 January 2013

Chase and Status- Let You Go

There is clear intertextuality in the Chase and Status music video for ‘Let You Go’. The references are made to the TV chat show, ‘The Jeremy Kyle Show’. This video presents a spin off show called the ‘Patrick Chase Show’. We do not see the identity of the main character until he is revealed as the chat show host. This is a narrative based music video with no performance scenes. At times the sounds there are sound bridges from the narrative heard over the music.  The camerawork and framing used is very cinematic throughout.The artist isn’t seen throughout the music video. This is common for Chase and Status but it also means that their star image is not affected.

As the tension on stage builds so does the music until a fight finally breaks out on stage. This supports Vernallis’ theory of the video matching the music. The lyrics are also amplified by the visuals as they add a new meaning to them.  

Throughout the video the use of drugs is implied which is also hypocritical of the characters morals as he despises these on his show. The use of the canted angle and jolty movements is use to signify that the character is drunk or disorientated. The various disorientated shots also help to portray the lack of control over his body and actions. As the music builds the edits become quicker to match the beat..  The use of contrasting colours is very obvious. The bright colours on the show contrasts with the dull colours in the flat, car and club which signifies that these actions are wrong.  The use of the red lighting also signifies that these actions are immoral or forbidden. Once the character has carried out these actions he then shows up to the studio has his makeup done then goes back on stage. This could signify that we never really know what happens behind the scenes of these shows and after the camera stops rolling.

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