Wednesday 9 January 2013

Shooting Day 2

Shooting Day 2: Today we shot the street shots with the artist dressed in the American print leggings. For this shoot I had to be dressed in this outfit in the street and on a zebra crossing while lip singing to the song. Needless to say, I got a few funny looks. We filmed this in December and so it was freezing! Due to the fact it was -1°C we had to film it quickly. While on camera, I could not wear my coat however as soon as the camera was off, I was finally able to warm up a little.  Due to the cold weather we tried to film this sequence as quick as possible. As it was our first proper shooting experience, it did not always go to plan. An example of this was the walking shot we attempted, we liked it but it looked too shaky and unprofessional. It soon started to rain and we could no longer shoot. 

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