Saturday 19 January 2013

Shooting Day 5

Shooting Day 5: Today we shot our narrative sequences. We had previously planned to use a cafe however they said we could not use it. We then went in search of another location. We then asked in KFC and they said yes. Although it wasn’t exactly as we had planned, we hoped it would still look good. We attempted to film it in the window seats like we had drawn in our storyboard however when it came to filming the inside shots, it was not light enough. This meant we had to change tables; this was not an issue as it still looked good. We then filmed these shots while the others bought some food. We then went back to the car to go to the second location when we decided we could film an argument scene here. We used the car to make it more dramatic. It was difficult to place the camera in the car however eventually we managed to balance it. At first we didn’t know what to argue about but Zainab then created a situation and we had an argument in the street. Luckily there was no one around to see it. Once we had finished filming the argument we went to my house to film the bedroom scene. We spent time doing my hair and makeup differently and setting up all the lights. We then filmed what we had storyboarded. Sophie then had the idea of filming a birds eye shot moving across the view of the bed. We agreed to try it and were surprised by how good it looked. After this we drove to the pub to shoot the last few shots. By now we were all starving so while we waited for the others we ordered some food. When they finally got there we filmed the pub scenes. We were worried that it looked too dark but it was quite a small space so we couldn’t set up the lights. We still did what we could with the light we had. After this we decided we needed a bus stop scene to make it look more urban and ‘down to earth’. Originally this scene was supposed to be shot in the gym however we couldn’t get permissions for the gym. We managed to get what we wanted in just two takes. I was surprised at how light it looked on camera due to the light at the bus stop. After a long day filming we had finally finished! We were all tired on the way home and Luke even fell asleep in the car.

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